Associate Dean Dr.Hill pens Op-Ed in The Hill’s Congress Blog about immigration reform

Associate Dean of the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Jonathan Hill, recently penned another opinion piece for The Hill’s Congress blog about the importance of comprehensive and fair immigration reform. In the piece, titled “Practical enhancements must not be lost in push for immigration reform”, Hill talks about the importance of providing H1-b visas to qualified foreign born workers and F-1 visas for qualified students at universities.

Associate Dean of the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Jonathan Hill, recently penned another opinion piece for The Hill’s Congress blog about the importance of comprehensive and fair immigration reform. In the piece, titled “Practical enhancements must not be lost in push for immigration reform”, Hill talks about the importance of providing H1-b visas to qualified foreign born workers and F-1 visas for qualified students at universities.

Without comprehensive immigration reform the piece warns that we may not be able to provide enough technically skilled employees to major tech companies to keep the American economy at the top of these sectors. Hill hopes that “the ongoing need for comprehensive immigration reform that will create adequate, timely access to high quality scientists, technologists and engineers to support American scientific leadership and innovation cannot be left unaddressed.”

The full piece can be accessed on The Hill’s website.

What do you think is the right direction for immigration reform? Tell us in the comments. Be sure to follow the Seidenberg School on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+, to get the latest updates about our faculty and what they’re saying.


One thought on “Associate Dean Dr.Hill pens Op-Ed in The Hill’s Congress Blog about immigration reform”

  1. I agree with Dr. Hill about immigration reform. I was one of the lucky ones to have come to the US at such a young age and managed to get my paper work done. However, there are several students, engineers, bio-engineers, computer IT people [to name a few], who are undocumented and are having some clear problems with becoming citizens. More companies and schools need to offer these visa qualifiers to all who deserve it. Currently in Peru, for example, there are several engineers heading to Germany looking for work; because Germany is inviting them. What is the US doing? Some are for immigration reform, while others are against the idea. There needs to be a change for the people and students who want to achieve professional success; otherwise we are looking at a future where we have to outsource services that we can clearly get here.

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