Constance Knapp, interim dean, spent the year-end holiday in India. Accompanied by Narayan Murthy, PhD, and Daniel Farkas,PhD, chairs of the Westchester computer science and information technology departments, respectively, she conferred degrees on the 15 students who recently completed MS in Internet Technology degrees. For the past two years, these students, all employees of AOL/India, took courses online along with their fellow classmates in the U.S.
The graduation took place at AOL/India on January 7. Kumar Tolluri, vice president of platforms and technologies, at AOL/India and Ani Banerjee, vice president of the human resource division, were also in attendance.
Dr. Murthy initially forged the collaboration between AOL/India and Pace. As part of the celebratory activities, he invited the graduates to Mysore, his hometown, for a luncheon and afternoon tour of Mysore’s many sights.
While in India, the dean also took the opportunity to visit Microsoft headquarters as well as IBM’s where there were discussions of a possible future partnership.