Seidenberg Students Fend Off Attackers in Cyber Defense Competition

For some Seidenberg students, the spring semester could not have come fast enough. Not long before the first day of class, a team of six cybersecurity enthusiasts competed in the virtual qualifier for the regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC).

The team worked hard in preparation for the event, putting time in throughout the fall semester and winter break. When the competition finally came around, the Seidenberg team had some super tricks up their cybersecurity-expert sleeves. However, after nine hours of battle, their numbers were no match against the big bad Red team.

Since most team members vowed to return next year, the Seidenberg team is committed to becoming more proficient in Windows and Linux system hardening, and recruiting new members is also a priority. That means an opportunity for fellow Seidenberg students looking to hone their cybersecurity skills!

Students are welcome to join the Pace CCDC team in Pleasantville in fall 2014, where they will be able to learn, have fun, and make new friends.

This year’s cyber warriors team included:  Cynthia Shaw (BS/IT), Marc Kowtko (BS/IT), Patrick Prescott (BS/IS), Colis Duncan (BS/IT), Nick Terrasi (BS/IT) and Marko Jurac (BS/IS). Watch them in action in this video!

Those interested in joining the team should get in touch with Professor Andreea Cotoranu at

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