How to get back into routine after a break

And this brings an end to the Spring break! Since it’s been a while, getting back to your regular routine can be hard when fun things you did over the break are still on your mind.

Whatever you did over the spring break – whether you went on an amazing vacation and filled up your Instagram with once-in-a-lifetime experiences or you went home and visited family and friends (and your old part-time job), getting back into the swing of life at Pace isn’t always easy.

With so many exciting things you did, it’s easy to get distracted as time runs on. Remembering your happy times of the break, looking at the photographs you clicked, memorizing the amazing stuff you did, it’s really not easy to get away from your holiday mood.

But now it’s time to give yourself a push and get back to your routine! Here are a few tips to help you hit your pace:

  1. Unpack your stuff and settle back as soon as possible. Looking at the packed baggage will make you stay in holiday mood for a longer time. Clean your home. Keep your things organized. Neat and clean surroundings will make you feel refreshed, positive, and ready to tackle the rest of the semester.
  2. Make an effort to get back into your sleep cycle. By focusing on getting the rest your body and mind needs, you’ll find you have more energy to get back into your routine.
  3. Organize your schedule. Make a list of things you need to work on and continue with your tasks enthusiastically. Putting your schedule and to-do list somewhere visible like on the wall where you can see it every day increases motivation (and helps you make sure not to forget anything). When you look at it you will be encouraged to resume your work quickly.
  4. Be excited! At Pace, there’s always a lot of exciting stuff to do. The things you left behind back before your break – and that coding homework that still needs to be completed – is still waiting for you. Make sure you get everything on your to-do list, schedule your day, and enjoy getting back into your college routine.

So, yeah, spring break was awesome – but now it’s over. It’s time to hop off your bed and start working on your routine. Welcome back and make the most of it!