Welcome Back! – Looking forward to the Spring 2013 Semester

The Seidenberg School would like to warmly welcome all its students back for the Spring 2013 semester. We had an exciting 2012 which brought lots of new initiatives, like the STEM Collaboratory with the School of Education, and a new Dean, Dr. Amar Gupta. We hope to continue this positive track into this semester and have even more success to report.

One of our big focuses this semester will be community engagement and to this end we will be making the Seidenberg webpage a greater resource for students. We have a number of events up already such as the FIRST Tech Challenge at our Pleasantville campus, Microsoft Mondays and an Agile NYC speaker – Damon Poole. Not only will we be updating the website we also have a Google Calendar that we will be constantly updating with events both hosted by the school and outside the school that we feel might be good for you to attend.

We also plan to step up our social media engagement and you can find us on a number of networks:

Facebook: Like the “Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems” page

Twitter: Follow @pace_seidenberg

Foursquare: Like the “Pace Seidenberg” page

Tumblr: Follow “PaceSeidenberg”

Instagram: paceseidenberg

Google+: +1 the “Pace Seidenberg” Page

LinkedIn: Join the “Pace University – Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems

Any of these networks are a great way to stay informed about what’s going on at the school and learn more about the community. We encourage prospective students to follow them and get a feel for the school, current students to follow them to get updates about the semester, and alumni to use them to keep up to date about what their school is doing. Feel free to contribute to any of these pages with your own inputs and ideas. We want you to feel a part of this community and we need your help to make it a two-way dialogue.

Finally please remember that this is your community too and we want to hear from you. Any of those social media channels are a great way to ask questions or give feedback and you can always e-mail us at paceseidenbergschool[at]gmail.com. We’d love to hear your stories. What exciting projects you’re working on, what new tech buzz is making your ears perk up, and what you’re looking forward to.

We’re looking forward to another exciting semester.


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