Dyson Student Awarded Melissa Riggio Higher Education Program Scholarship

In appreciation of the mentoring that Pace students in Professor James Lawler’s CIS 102W service learning course do with developmentally and intellectually challenged clients of AHRC NYC, the organization established the Melissa Riggio Higher Education Program Scholarship.

This award of $1,000 was given to Nadezhda “Hope” Goldfard, a Dyson psychology major, for her ongoing efforts on behalf of individuals affiliated with AHRC.

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Tech Mentor-in-Residence Program Adds Another Member

David McKinnis, recently named Tech Mentor-in-Residence for software development, spoke on “How to Become a Great Developer” to Seidenberg students on the New York City campus. McKinnis, CTO and co-founder of SureTech.com, will share his extensive experience with students, faculty and alumni over the course of the academic year. He joins Matt Knell as a Tech Mentor, whose expertise is in social networking. Continue reading “Tech Mentor-in-Residence Program Adds Another Member”

Seidenberg Faculty Receive ‘Best Paper Awards’ at Information Systems Education Conference

Two of the 10 Best Paper Awards given out at the recent Information Systems Education Conference (ISECON) went to Seidenberg School faculty – Professor James Lawler and Professor Anthony Joseph for their research in cloud computing and Professor John Molluzzo and Vijal Doshi (MS/IS) for their paper on social networking. Continue reading “Seidenberg Faculty Receive ‘Best Paper Awards’ at Information Systems Education Conference”

New Academic Program Advisor in NYC

Stephanie Elson

The Seidenberg School welcomes Stephanie Elson as the new Academic Program Supervisor on the New York City campus.  She comes to her new position with over 10 years of experience in advising students on achieving academic and professional success.  Previously, she worked for Career Services and for the Cooperative Education Program at Pace and for Georgia State University before returning to Pace.
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Seidenberg Extends Warm Welcome to new Director of Development

The Seidenberg School extends a warm welcome to Pam Yosh, its new Director of Development. Pam comes to us from SUNY New Paltz where she has served as an individual gifts officer. She replaces Dawn Rigney who has assumed the newly created position of Executive Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving for the University. Continue reading “Seidenberg Extends Warm Welcome to new Director of Development”

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