Learn about our master’s and doctoral programs at upcoming brunch and evening receptions

Thinking about a master’s or doctoral degree in technology? Pace University’s Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems offers a focused program of study in areas like computer science, information systems, software development, telecommunications and networks, enterprise analytics, and more.

We have a series of graduate information sessions coming up in August – register to learn about our master’s and doctoral programs!

Whether you’ve recently obtained your undergraduate degree or already have a master’s and are looking to take your education and expertise to the next level, the Seidenberg School can provide you with a rigorous program of courses, practical experience, research and the chance to present your work that will result in a meaningful degree – opening up a world of potential job opportunities, high salaries, and rewarding work.

Seidenberg graduates with a master’s degree go on to earn $83,050 on average within a year of graduation with companies like Google, Microsoft, Mastercard, JP Morgan Chase, Verizon, and more.

Our two doctoral degrees offer a robust program of coursework and dissertation research. The Doctor of Professional Studies (DPS) for Computing and IT professionals provides students the opportunity to pursue a doctorate part time while working full time in a program that extends their careers by an average of 13 years. The PhD in Computer Science cultivates advanced computing research scholars and professionals who will be competent in both industry and academia.

We are holding two events; one on each of Pace University’s campuses. Please register for your selected date to learn more about what a degree from Pace University can do for you.

We can’t wait to meet you!
