Seidenberg hosts inaugural student-faculty lunch in newly renovated Pleasantville office

by Kate Houlihan

On Friday, January 26th, 2018 Seidenberg students on the Pleasantville campus came out for a luncheon with Dean Hill, Seidenberg faculty & staff, and fellow students to kick off the new semester! This lunch was the first major student event held in the newly renovated Seidenberg office (which you can find on the third floor of Goldstein Academic Center) and was a huge success. 

It was wonderful for the community to reconnect after a month of being on break! Despite it being Australia Day, the Seidenberg family munched on a “delicioso” Mexican spread from Sundance Deli in Pleasantville, NY. Bellies were full and the the small amount of leftovers were taken home.

Highlights of the renovation include a newly-painted reception area, two new lounge spaces for students to congregate, a 90-inch flatscreen TV, and a spacious kitchen!

We are thrilled to host many more events in this new, functional space in the near (and distant) future for faculty and students. Keep an eye out for future events, and don’t hesitate to stop by the 3rd floor of Goldstein Academic Center to check the new space out for yourself!